Activity log
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
EGP Committee submitted the amendment AM-43-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
EGP Committee submitted the amendment AM-82-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
EGP Committee submitted the amendment AM-79-2
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Thomas Jans submitted the amendment AM-27-2
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Benoît Bourges submitted the amendment AM-16-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Meron Knikman submitted the amendment AM-79-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-53-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-52-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-49-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-45-2
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-45-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-38-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-32-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-27-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-24-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-13-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-3-1
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-2-5
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Cinta González Sentís submitted the amendment AM-2-4
B - R9: Beyond Trump: Greens continue to fight for peace, democracy, fundamental rights and a rules based world order
Kate Youssouf submitted the amendment AM-77-1